Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Associated Press: Obama favors more rest time between combat tours

The Associated Press: Obama favors more rest time between combat tours: "RACINE, Wis. — President Barack Obama says hard-pressed American troops need more time in between combat tours to 'decompress.'
At a town meeting Wednesday in Wisconsin, he said recent efforts to boost the size of the Marine Corps are paying off in longer deployment intervals. But he said it'll take 'about a year' to boost the Army to give troops appropriate rest."

New York State News on the Net!

New York State News on the Net!: "WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) applauded the launch of - a comprehensive resource that will help New Yorkers determine which health care option is best for them. The website was created by the health insurance reform legislation Hinchey voted for in March. It hosts a wealth of clear, jargon-free information, including a consumer-friendly tool that will help individuals, families and small businesses navigate the often complicated process of shopping for health insurance"